Infertility Procedures to Help You Get Pregnant
If you are struggling with infertility, you have many options for treatment. One of the most effective options is IVF, which addresses a wide range of fertility problems in both men and women. However, it can be expensive and time consuming. Check with your insurance company to see what coverage you have available before starting this treatment.
During IVF, both eggs and sperm are fertilized in the laboratory. If the results are promising, doctors will select the most viable embryos and transfer them into your uterus. In addition, your doctor can use donated eggs or sperm if you do not have viable gametes. 난임시술
IVF is a complex process that requires a lot of physical and emotional energy. However, if other treatments do not work, it can be very successful for couples who want to become parents.
Before beginning IVF, your doctor will perform a medical exam to determine whether you have any underlying health problems that could interfere with fertility. This will include blood tests to check hormone levels and genetics (for women) or sperm count and quality (for men). Your doctor may also feel (palpate) your abdomen and pelvic area to look for scar tissue, cysts or other abnormalities that might block your fallopian tubes or womb. A test called a hysterosalpingogram can help confirm that your fallopian tubes are open and identify problems such as endometriosis or a blocked or damaged tube (hydrosalpinges).
If you and your partner have trouble getting pregnant with IUI, you can try a minimally invasive procedure called intrauterine insemination (IUI). Your doctor will insert washed sperm directly into your uterus during your fertile window. This can be done by itself or in combination with medication such as clomiphene citrate or letrozole. These medications stimulate ovulation and increase the likelihood of fertilization.
Some patients with severe fertility problems choose to add other assisted reproductive technologies, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSCI). In this procedure, an embryologist selects healthy sperm from your partner’s semen and injects them directly into the egg in the lab. This increases the chances that the egg will be fertilized, which can improve success rates with IVF and other fertility treatments.
For older women with ovarian problems, women who have undergone cancer or radiation therapy, or women who carry genetic disorders that they do not want to pass onto their children, using donated eggs is another option for IVF. Donor eggs are obtained from the ovaries of a donor and then fertilized with sperm in the laboratory to create an embryo for transfer to the uterus through IVF. The success rate for IVF with donated eggs is about 50 percent.
After eggs are retrieved, you will need to wait three to five days for them to develop into embryos. Then, your physician will decide how many to transfer. This decision is based on your age, prior treatments and Mass General guidelines. It is important to understand that transferring more than one embryo increases your risk of a multiple pregnancy (twins, triplets or more). You should discuss this with your doctor before deciding on the number of embryos to transfer. 서울아이앤여성의원